About me

I would rather start out somewhere small, like London or England.
– Britney Spears on where she might start her theater career.
Wang Ping-Hsiang is a theatre director from Taiwan. His work has focused on how human behavior is being disciplined and modified through the evolution of materiality, the internet, systems, machinery, the environment, and commerce.
Wang’s signature aesthetic is honed on the transference of normal daily landscapes into fantastic digital realities. He views theater as a perceptual vehicle for enabling new means of communication, and combines multiple performative elements using text, spoken language, sound, movement, live streaming video, objects, and scenography. His work posits narrative as a full sensory experience.
In recent years, he has worked with diverse international theatre companies, including Agrupación Señor Serrano, Rimini Protokoll, and cmd+c company. Many festivals throughout Europe and Asia have been presented his works, such as Romaeuropa in Italy, Grec Festival de Barcelona and TNT Festival in Spain, Festival de la Cité in Switzerland, and ¡Viva! Spanish & Latin American Festival in the UK.
Wang currently lives and works both in Berlin and Taipei.
Directing Experience
Seeing You Through My Window
interactive video work collaborated with BadBadMeowMeow
invited by Weiwuying National Kaohsiung Center of the Arts
premiere on 22.08.2021
Call Me From the Second Floor (work in progress)
selected to Asian Performing Artists Lab, Berlin/Coswig
presented in online program "AmnAsia2" on 09.05.2021 by Berliner Ringtheater and further invited to Performing Arts Festival Berlin on 27.05.2021
There Is No Luck Only Good Marketing (work in progress)
shortlisted for 13th Young Stars New Vision, Taipei
presented on 14.08.2020
Oh! Bloody Moon
selected production for Artist Residency Program in MediaEstruch, Barcelona
premiered on 14.12.2017
Dead in Water
presented in 2016 at Rupert, Vilnius
Mekong River Monsters, Project One
presented by Mindpirates in The Hole (Institut für Sehsüchte), Berlin
premiered on 09.08.2015
IT-ME: TIME Traveller Beta 2021
Performer & live translator, Betty Apple
premiere on 05.11.2021 both in Flemish Cultural Center de Brakke Grond (Amsterdam) and Tacheles (Taipei)
presented in Other Futures Festival, Amsterdam
Harmonic Hernia
Video designer & creative consultant, Chen U-Lai & Hung Chien-Han
premiere on 20.09.21, Taipei Arts Festival, Taipei
1:1 Ma Wei Yuan's Solo Performance
Video design & stage manager, a Ma Wei yuan production
premiere on 04.12.2020
Dual performances both in Guling Street Avant-garde Theatre & The Cube Project Space, Taipei
(A) Good Night for Trade— Bedtime Romance with Lilith
Co-director with Betty Apple, an ArtKB48 production
ASMR online performance, premiere on 24.11.2020 in C-LAB, Taipei
Macaron & Romeo (work in progress)
Playwright, a C MUSICAL production
tryout on 04.06.2020 in PLAYground theatre, Taipei
100% Berlin reloaded
Performer, production of Rimini Protokoll
specially presented at “Celebration now - 20 years of Rimini Protokoll”
premiered on 09.01.2020 in HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin
Should I Stay or Should I Stay
Media technician, production of Cmd+c Company
premiered on 14.03.2019 in Volksbühne, Berlin
Performer, production of Agrupación Señor Serrano
premiered on 04.07.2018 at GREC Festival Barcelona
Germany 2071
Actor, production of Natural Theatre of Oklahoma
presented in 2017 at Foreign Affairs Festival, Berlin
On the Other Side of the Street
collaboration with Marina Prados
premiered 23.06.2017 at 48H Neukölln Festival, Berlin
Simultaneous Construction
Group collaboration with Stefan Kaegi (Rimini Protokoll)
premiered on 05.08.2016 in Teatro La Fenice, Venice Biennale
Trembled Earth: The Niger Delta
Group collaboration with Agrupación Señor Serrano
premiered on 09.08.2015 in Arsenale Warehouse, Venice Biennale
National Taipei University of the Arts
Bachelor of Fine Arts - majoring Directing