group collaboration with Stefan Kaegi (Rimini Protokoll)
presented on 05.08.2016
Teatro La Fenice, Venice Biennale
The unfinished Berlin airport, the never-ending A3 freeway project in Italy, the soccer arenas in Qatar: delayed completions and cost adjustments, the complex interdependencies of private and public stakeholders, the invisible links in the entire world… – What do mega-construction sites tell about our society? Why do states build and for whom? By participation or master plan?
The audience takes turns visiting six construction sites, including the corrupted MOSE project, the repeatedly reconstructed Teatro La Fenice, midnight repair of the Bridge Rialto, the distinctive water transport system for construction materials in Venice, real estate advice for Venetian housing and the Chinese experience of two-weeks built skyscraper miracle. Simultaneous Construction is an indoor site-seeing expedition. Trespassing is not a crime here. Put on your helmet, because all the sites are under construction now, simultaneously.